A Dub in Black Rock / Ubaldimir Guerra #PoesiaRotaMundo
Sound check
one twos echo
in the black ark lab
Rusty bicycle spokes
Droop on a wooden rail
crossword puzzles
Empty squares
inside a residence of scratchy
oil tiles
Wire live
wire warn now
gruffy check one two
on two
sound drop
majestic riddim oh
conquering lion
fire for us
A prickle of symphonic silences
spinal tattoos
rhythmic needles
upon vinyl
is solstice
A blast of bass
Bass drum to
lee scratch
Scratch howl
Howl baboon howl
I must
Press record now
Spin it
scratch it
A silent night of
to river
To th static strums of stalactile
guitars and
cicada tenors
recorded in cave
dubbed in the Wind
Record scratch
lee scratch
a lee crescente night of dub
to static to selassic eyes
press play
(Ubaldimir Guerra, poeta de Belize, in Poetic
Narcotics: SPOKENWORD 501 Compilation)
Poesia selecionada para o projeto
RotaMundo em parceria com o blog Na Literatura
Selvagem que neste mês terá poetas do países: Belize, Guatemala e El
Salvador . Em virtude da dificuldade de encontrar autores de Belize traduzidos,
optamos por colocar a poesia em língua original dos autores. Clique aqui e
confira a poesia escolhida pelo blog Na literatura Selvagem e acompanhe nossas
redes no Instagram e YouTube .
Poesia retirada do livro Poetic Narcotics, disponível na amazon. Sinopse: When Belizean voices
synchronize to echo and pen our reality, identity, challenges, woes and dreams,
we get a masterpiece like “Poetic Narcotics.” This is a publication birthed by
talented individuals answering the magnetic pull, a need to express life in
lyrics. “Poetic Narcotics” is nothing short of quenching a high that is both
natural and painfully real. It is a beckoning, an invitation and an art piece
that is can only be labelled as priceless. The lyrics in this publication
record a legacy of our time, of our stories and of our addictions to all the
intoxicating aspects of life. Therefore this collection is not only to be
consumed by poets. They are in fact for everyone who lives, creating their own
poem through their daily passions. Digest these gems. Savor these lyrics. Feel
these rhymes and rhythms pulse in your veins and indulge yourselves…all of
you…Indulge in this “Poetic Narcotic” treat.Jacklyn BurnsCity of Belmopan29th
May, 2019
Esse país foi difícil mesmo hahaha mas nada como um bom desafio pra gente encarar cheia de pique hehehe
ResponderExcluirGostei dessa tua escolha.
Eu estou feliz com esse projeto.